As you ruminate over what to incorporate into your skincare this season consider a blend of vitamin E and vitamin C.

A balanced diet with a spectrum of essential minerals and vitamins is essential for skin health. However, since most of you are unable to attain these vitamins through your diet, it becomes imperative that these enter your bloodstream to feed your skin in other forms. When it comes to skincare vitamin C and E serum for face are the most potent types. Here’s why you need to utilize these hero ingredients for a healthy complexion all year round.

What is vitamin E?

A fat-soluble vitamin that serves as an antioxidant, vitamin E protects your skin cells from damage. It is naturally found in your sebum-skin oil that creates a barrier to nourishment. Therefore, if you have oily skin, it is likely your skin has a lot of vitamin E.  

How is vitamin E good for your skin?

Soften dry skin

According to research vitamin E is termed suitable for treating skin dryness. This is because of the emollient properties which render it suitable to penetrate the skin imparting long-lasting moisture. it also helps in maintaining a strong skin barrier which is a key characteristic for healthy skin. 

Helps in water retention

Even though the terms dry and dehydrated are interchangeably used in skincare, these are in fact two distinct issues. Dry skin is a skin type characterized by a chronic underproduction of the skin's natural oil, sebum. Dehydrated skin on the other hand is skin that is deficient in adequate water content, which stands as a significant constituent of your skin's natural moisture barrier. Owing to this differentiation it is likely for your skin to get oily and dehydrated at the same time. 

Topical application of vitamin E enhances the capacity of your skin to retain water, to effectively prevent dehydration. By restricting extreme water loss, vitamin E also aids in keeping your skin's natural moisture barrier undamaged and functional. 

Natural antioxidant

The chemical structure of vitamin E comprises a hydrophobic side chain and a chromanol ring. This renders it powerful to protect your skin from the damaging free radicals in the environment that develop due to pollution and ultraviolet radiation. As they accumulate on your skin, these elements trigger different skin issues like dark spots, pigmentation, and premature aging. 

Being an antioxidant vitamin E helps to neutralize free radicals, thus limiting the effect of the stressors on your skin. 

Soothes and calms

Vitamin E possesses anti-inflammatory properties which aid in the healing and relaxation of inflamed skin. The itchiness, redness, and irritation caused by dermatitis and eczema are also reduced by the use of topical vitamin E. 

Reduces scars

This vitamin also helps in reducing scars. This is done by increased cellular turnover and reduced production of scar tissue. With time, it also helps in making acne scars, stretch marks, and surgical scars less visible. 

What is Vitamin C?

A water-soluble vitamin also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is great for your skin along with many bodily functions. Being a powerful antioxidant, it protects your skin cells against damage caused by free radicals. 

How is vitamin C good for your skin?

Protects against free radicals

Vitamin C like vitamin E also helps to combat oxidative stress on your skin. It contributes to the preservation of youthfulness as it delays the aging process. This is done by cutting down the harm brought by UV rays, irritants, and environmental toxins. 

Shields from sun damage

You multiply sun protection when you use vitamin C in conjunction with sunscreen. The chances of getting sunburned are reduced as is the creation of free radicals. This also helps in fading the effects of hyperpigmentation and sunspots. 

Boosts collagen production

Collagen production is essential for giving your skin the structural support it needs to look firm and youthful. This is dependent on vitamin C as it boosts collagen synthesis in your skin layers, enhancing your skin texture and smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. 

Even Skin Tone

Vitamin C promotes an even skin tone by preventing the overproduction of melanin. Melanin is the pigment that is responsible for giving your complexion its color. 

The brightening effect of vitamin C products therefore aids in keeping dark spots and hyperpigmentation at bay. 

Radiant skin

By encouraging cellular turnover through exfoliation, vitamin C reveals skin that is radiant and ever-glowing. It enhances the brightness of your complexion, giving your skin a healthy shine. 

Can you combine the two and how?

So which vitamin is good for skin? Vitamin E is great for your skin and so is vitamin C. You can combine the two vitamins together to create something extraordinary. As you pair these antioxidants, their interaction enhances antioxidant performance delivering evident results.  

Extracts of different supplements can be mixed in at-home facials to give great results. The mixture of both vitamins is most effective in the morning to derive maximum benefits from its antioxidant properties. You can layer it up post-cleansing and toning in your skincare regime. 

What precautions to take?

It is important to understand when to apply vitamin c serum. So, you must bear in mind that vitamin C when exposed to different ingredients can cause unfavorable reactions. Some such as the likes of retinol result in over-exfoliation that then causes redness and irritation in your skin. 

Make sure that when you combine these ingredients, store them in an air-tight container. When exposed to air, these can be unstable and oxidized. So, house them in a dark opaque container with a pump-restrictive device. A good idea would be to shelve it as it starts getting dark and feeling thicker. 

The Final Verdict

As you have seen the benefits of vitamin E and vitamin C, it is imperative that you incorporate them in your skincare. What’s simpler than using a blend of vitamins E and C to reveal your desired glow?