Hair problems are easy to get and hard to get rid of. But it is not impossible! In fact, some of the remedies are quite easy and cheap. Dandruff, hair loss, dry hair, oily scalp, split ends, frizzy hair, dull hair, heat damaged hair, hair colour damage, and hair loss as side effects of health problems are described below with their remedies straight from the experts. To learn more about how to stop hair fall read on!

Our hair has to suffer a lot like our skin because they are exposed all the time. What’s more, we give them a lot of trouble by blow-drying them, straightening them, taking hot showers, and hair colouring. If only we were a little kind to our hair, they would look perfect and stay healthy.

But you may have already read a lot of tips on how to keep your hair healthy and they would have already worked if they were easy. Not only that but many people want to know about the best oil for hair growth and thickness.

So, let’s dig down and discuss some simple solutions to your hair problems so that no matter what problems you face, you can heal your hair easily.

Hair Problems & Their Solutions

1. Dandruff

The eternal enemy of good looking hair, dandruff. The skin on the scalp begins to peel off in the form of flakes and fall down like snow. Except that there is nothing exciting about it. Dandruff is seen to be a sign of poor hygiene but it is also because of other reasons such as dry scalp, reaction to hair products, or excessive sebum in the scalp.

Dandruff can be quite embarrassing in a group or an event. To get rid of it, use anti-dandruff shampoo or you could use a regular shampoo but make sure it contains zinc sulfur.

Apart from that, apple cider vinegar is often suggested by many people as a quick fix for dandruff. It contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties because of its acidic nature. Similarly, coconut oil and tea tree oil also contain anti-inflammatory properties and are helpful in treating dandruff.

If you dislike using any ingredient or product and still want to treat your dandruff, you can try to reduce your daily stress, consume probiotics, and add omega-3 fatty acids.

It is highly advisable to test the products and to consult a dermatologist before you apply these solutions.

2. Hair Loss

Along with dandruff, the most irksome hair problem, which is common among many people, is hair loss. Isn’t it annoying that you comb your hair with your fingers even and there are a few strands of hairs in your hand? Showering or brushing your hair can be even worse and you could have a receding hairline as well.

Normally you can lose from 50 to 100 strands per day and that’s okay because your hair grows back too. The real problem starts when your hair loss exceeds this number, meaning that the number of hair strands you lose becomes greater than the hair strands you grow back, which leads to baldness. 

The reasons for hair fall in females can be due to various reasons such as stress, incompatible products, or even hormonal imbalance. To treat hair fall, you need to identify the cause so that it becomes easier to address it.

There are many people looking to use different oils to treat their hair fall but some people think only a few of them actually work. When it comes to choosing an oil for your hair fall treatment, the best essential oil for hair growth is any oil such as mustard oil, castor oil, or even coconut oil. Massaging the scalp with warmed or hot oil is one of the ways you can prevent hair loss.

Other solutions include adding more protein to your diet, using a mild shampoo, staying hydrated and regular exercise. Hair styling through heating them, such as straighteners, dryers, and curlers can also cause damage that causes hair fall. Avoid tying your hair if they are wet or sweaty.

3. Dry Hair

Dry hair is simple. They are a sign of low protein. And like, really low protein. Rough hair is practically starving for protein and fatty acids such as omega 3, 6, and vitamin B5 can help revive them. 

That being said, dry hair is a very tricky problem and needs to be taken care of gently and with care. Sometimes, menopause can be one of the reasons for dry hair, along with other reasons such as pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, etc. They can even alter the texture of your hair.

Diseases such as anemia and hyperthyroidism can be a cause as well. Things like sun, chlorine, pollution, chemical products, and heat styling can make your hair fragile so avoiding them is a must. For things like sunlight, reduce the time of its exposure to your hair.

Hair masks are quite beneficial for this purpose as they can help reverse the damage, rehydrate the hair and give them their shine back. Not only that but they can soften the strands and make them manageable so they don’t get tangled up.

4. Oily Scalp

It is one of the less common problems but it can be quite irksome for sure. Apart from generic reasons such as poor lifestyle, genetic problems, and hormonal imbalance, an oily scalp is also a result of over washing.

An oily scalp can be tricky because you may think that you over wash your hair due to the oily scalp when it could be the other way around. Our skin is designed to secrete more oil/sebum if the previous layer is stripped away.

Now washing your hair more than 2 or 3 times a week can dry out your scalp, causing your scalp to secrete more oil to compensate for the oil lost. Lactic acid is one of the natural ingredients that helps in the regulation of oil production on the scalp.

Instead of using hot water, use lukewarm or cold water to wash your hair. Hot water is a special trigger for sebum production.

Apart from this, while bathing, use shampoo properly, condition your hair carefully, and rinse thoroughly.

Hot tools give you a greasy look so it is for the best to avoid them.

Your brush can have an oil build-up on it because of the hair strands stuck in it. Clean your brush so that your brush doesn’t have oil that could make your hair oily.

Touching and playing with your hair can stimulate the scalp to produce more oil. So, it is best to not brush or play with your hair continuously.

Try not to use leave-in conditioners and other products that can be used as hair moisturizers

On this topic, you must know that the amount of oil in your hair fluctuates throughout your life so if you are struggling with oily hair and scalp for now, it will not go on forever.

5. Split Ends

Split ends are another problem related to the oiling of hair but this time, the hair has a deficiency of oil. Split ends happen when oil from the scalp cannot reach the ends of hair strands. The easiest solution is to get a hair cut but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow your hair out. You will just need to keep getting hair trims to maintain your hair and keep it healthy.

Trimming also helps split ends stay on top. If the hair keeps on growing, the split begins to grow towards the root of the hair. The longer you wait to trim your hair, the more length you will have to cut your hair. Moreover, heat can also make your hair splits worse. If you cannot avoid hot water or heat tools, you need heat protectants for your hair to reduce the damage.

Oiling the ends of your hair can minimize their appearance and provide your hair with the necessary nourishment. Over-brushing and overuse of shampoo can worsen the split ends so it is better to steer clear of them.

Apply shampoo on the scalp directly and avoid using them on the split ends. Use conditioner on the split ends to add moisture and repair the damage. It is also recommended to get your hair trimmed once every ten weeks.

6. Frizzy hair

Most of us do not have to face frizzy hair and think it only happens on a bad day. But it is not the reality. In reality, frizzy hair can happen anytime, any day, and anywhere. Sometimes even a minor change in the moisture level of hair can lead to unmanageable frizzy hair.

There are a lot of reasons for frizzy hair such as hair styling irons, chemicals, UV rays, and colour. But what does frizzy hair mean? It means that your hair is damaged. They are not the real damage but the symptom of it.

Your hair critically needs moisturization to repair itself so it is best to use leave-in conditioners, hair masks, or serums. Applying hot oil treatments can also help in healing the hair and reducing the frizz.

If you use a blow-dry machine to dry your hair, use a heat-protecting spray on your hair to make it immune to further damage.

Here are a few ways to effectively mitigate frizzy hair:

Do not over-shampoo your hair

Do not use hot water and hot hair styling tools

Use a cap or scarf to avoid exposure to humidity on your hair

7. Dull Hair

Who doesn’t want sleek and straight hair? Well, quite a few people, which is why we see people using their straighteners on the maximum settings. And what does that result in except dull and weak hair? Just like you turn up the heat on iron when you have to iron a rough and thick cloth, you can get a pass with high settings only when you have thick or coarse hair.

Dull hair happens because of the damage done to the cuticle of your hair. This damage may be due to everyday styling, weather conditions, over brushing, chlorine and silicone based products, and other chemical treatments. The list keeps on going because any change to the hair cuticle can cause damage to it.

To reverse the damage done to the hair this way, you need protein. Your hair is made of protein and that is why, with protein, your hair looks stunning and luscious. Any good organic product that provides the necessary protein to your hair can do away with your dull hair.

8. Heat Damaged Hair

We have already talked about a number of hair problems that are caused because of heat. Even though you may love to take a hot shower, your hair and skin lose a lot with the hot water. And that’s just the start because you have to blow-dry your hair and then straighten it or curl it using heat styling tools.

Surprisingly, people have begun to embrace the natural texture of their hair but a lot of people still love to style their hair with heat styling tools. And people don’t realize that you don’t have to use these tools daily to damage your hair. Even if you do it once or twice a week, it is going to harm your hair.

The only tangible solution to this kind of hair damage is to cut off using these tools entirely. Instead of them, use natural products such as deep-conditioning treatments and hair masks to get the nourishment and moisturization you need. Use heat protectant spray before you use heat styling tools.

9. Hair Colour Damage

Hair colour is getting trendier with each passing day and so is the hair colour damage. And that’s half of the problem because people take off their hair colour or change it quite frequently. Hair colour can damage your hair in the long run even if you only colour your hair once or twice.

No matter if it is bleaching, highlighting, or root touch up, hair colouring can make your hair brittle. Chemical colours are the most dangerous because they can cause hair breakage, dullness, split ends, and dryness.

In case you are already knees-deep in hair colour, you need to take extra care of your hair and switch to shampoo specially formulated for coloured hair. On that note, you need to wash your hair very little and use hair conditioners thoroughly. These remedies should help your hair heal.

10. Hair Loss Due To Health Reasons

Hair loss due to health reasons can be quite troublesome. It may be due to genetics, menopause, and hormonal imbalances. Unusual hair loss in the form of hair clumps falling out, bald patches and spots require medical attention so you should seek a dermatologist at your earliest.

Which Oil Is The Best For Hair Growth And Thickness?

If you are struggling with stunted hair growth and thin hair, then you need these oils.

The best oils for hair growth and thickness are as follows:

  • Coconut
  • Argan
  • Rosemary
  • Tea Tree
  • Avocado

How To Get Long Hair In A Month

Although many people love long hair, growing your hair long without hurting them is quite tricky.

Using vitamins for nutrients, applying the essential oils mentioned above, topical ointments, keratin supplements, protein treatment, and nourishing your follicles with caffeine are some of the best ways to grow your hair faster and stronger.

To get organic solutions that help you do all that in fewer steps, use Wonder Gold Shampoo for hair growth, and long and silky hair which is free from dandruff. It also stops hair fall and is 100% organic!

If you have rough, dull and damaged hair with split ends, use our Happy Hair Serum which gives you silky soft hair, controls frizz, eases out tangles, and protects your hair from damage.

And use our Wonder Gold Oil if you want long shiny hair that stays sturdy! Use our naturally sourced organic products and get the hair you want easily!


There are a lot of hair problems but the top 10 of these are dandruff, hair loss, dry hair, oily scalp, split ends, frizzy hair, dull hair, heat damaged hair, hair colour damage, and hair loss due to health reasons.

To get rid of them, you have to use a lot of remedies but use our Wonder Gold Shampoo, Happy Hair Serum, and Wonder Gold Oil to solve all of these hair problems and get gorgeous hair like no one has ever seen before!