Is your skin undergoing a lot of issues as the sun-kissed summer days kick in? Well no matter what don’t let a simple change of weather send your skin on a detour!

There's something about the hot summer days that pushes us to simplify every aspect of our lives. As the summer brings with it a cascade of colours and outdoor adventures it also brings a few problems for your skin.

Some common skin problems you are likely to experience are as follows:

Acne Breakouts

Common among teenagers and young adults, acne is a skin condition which develops when sebum; the natural oil that lubricate your skin and dead skin cells plug your hair follicles underneath the skin. More often than not, acne development seems to be out of your control particularly if hormones cause it. 

Acne breakouts can happen all through the year, but it stands to be the most common occurring summer skin problems. If you have oily skin, it is likely that you experience a lot more acne breakouts in the hots summer months. The murky combination of the humid weather, increased sun exposure, oil, sweat and makeup can congest your pores and thus lead to breakouts. 


In case you are susceptible to breakouts you must be sure to swipe your face clean twice a day with a gentle cleanser. You may also want to go for an acne fighting product like salicylic acid. This controls the excessive production of oil on your skin, minimising the acne. You must also avoid comedogenic skincare products at all costs to avoid clogging of pores. 

Some best skincare products that we trust are Neem Clear Facewash and Acne Care Serum by Pinksoul. The Acne Care Serum glides on smoothly on your skin as it absorbs to treat acne as well as remove acne scars. Posseting therapeutic properties of neem, mint and cucumber, neem facewash is great at treating acne breakouts and reducing inflammation. 

Another advice that you must bear in mind is to keep your hands off of your face. Picking on the pimples could only make the issue worse and ultimately leave you with scars. For this it is recommended that you go for an acne spot treatment. But if that doesn’t seem to work, you must consider booking an appointment with the dermatologist for a professional treatment. 

Heat Rash

A heat rash also known as prickly or miliaria is among the common skin problems in the summer. So, what happens is that when you sweat a lot in the humid summer days, the sweat glands become overwhelmed. This blocks the sweat ducts and ultimately trap the sweat underneath your skin layers.  

It is characterised by tiny raised red spots or blisters 2mm to 4mm on your skin. these are less visible or darker skin tones, but you will still feel the itching and prickling sensation coupled with a mild swelling in the affected area. It is not only confined to little babies but also occurs in adults especially in the hot weather conditions. 

The symptoms of a heat rash are the same for kids and adults alike and can occur anywhere on your body but it is not contagious. Common areas to get affected are your neck, chest, shoulders and the inner folds that tend to get sweaty. parts of your body where clothing rubs against are also prone to prickly. On an average, heat rashes may last up to 2-3 days but in severe cases it may take a few weeks to settle. 


A heat rash usually subsides without any specific treatment. Nevertheless, if you want to get rid of it fast, you could start by moving away from the irritant that’s causing it in the first place. In this case it would be the heat, so its best to stay in cooler environments. It is also advised that you wear light clothing which is lose in fitting too. You must avoid petroleum-based products as well as scented soaps and body products. 

A cold compress always helps. You can prepare this by filling in a zip lock with some ice cubes and seal it. then wrap it with a clean cloth or a towel, whatever is available. Make sure the cloth is absorbent, soft and large enough to cover the affected part. 

Then gently press the cold compress against your skin for 15 minutes at least. Keep a check on your skin to make sure it doesn’t get too cold or numb. You can keep it on for 15 minutes then take it off and put it back on after a break.

There are also many summer skincare products available in the pharmacy to ease the itching symptoms. Some of them include antihistamine pills and calamine lotion for a cooling effect. 


During the hot summer days if your skin is exposed to the sun for longer periods of time, it damages your skin cells and causes mutations in their DNA. A term called ‘immune invasion’ is likely to occur causing the blood vessels in your skin to leak into spaces between the cells. This causes extra fluid which ultimately results in swelling causing your skin to turn red, hot and painful. 

For a better understanding, you must know that a sunburn has 3 stages starting with pain which usually starts within the first few hours. Then the skin gets red and irritated with the pain reaching its peak in the next 24 hours. Over a week, your skin starts peeling before it gradually returns to its normal shade. 


It goes without saying how uncomfortable a sun burn can be. However, there are several sunburn problem solution measures you can take to alleviate the symptoms. You can use cold compresses by simply applying a damp towel or cloth on the skin to soothe it. since sunburn can dehydrate your body its recommended to take in lots of water to hydrate your body. 

Aloe Vera gel is also a great option to heal your sunburnt skin. just extract some aloe Vera gel from an aloe Vera plant and apply it on the affected areas. With its anti-inflammation properties its likely to sooth your skin and lessen the redness. 

Keep your skin moisturised at all times, as sunburnt skin is very weak and sensitive. Make sure to use a fragrance free moisturise to prevent any irritation. You can also apply petroleum jelly which is readily available in the market as it provides the much-needed hydration your skin needs. 

Besides there are many over the counter pain relivers like aspirin and ibuprofen which help keep the pain at bay. Hydrocortisone creams are the best skincare products that can be applied to reduce the itchiness on your skin and reduce inflammation. 


This is another skin problem that you may experience in the summers. Hives from sun allergy is basically a condition in which your immune system reacts to sunlight exposure. Common symptoms are redness, itching and raised bumps all over your skin. 


There are many remedies that can treat hives effectively. You can use antihistamines which are common relivers of itchiness. Some over the counter options are loratadine, cetirizine and diphenhydramine. You can also opt for topical creams like the calamine lotion and hydrocortisone which provide instant relief from itching. 

Cool compress also helps to alleviate the symptoms like itching, redness and swelling serving as the best solution for skin problems. Avoid scratching your skin no matter how tempting it may be to avoid further outbreaks. 

The Final Verdict

Girls if you are experiencing summer skin problems, fret not! We have provided for you the best tips that will come handy for all your need. Check them out and let us know about your experience in the comments section below.