At times certain habits like sleeping on your stomach and too much screen time may cause telltale grooves on your face.

The most visible signs of aging are usually fine lines and wrinkles. These are caused by a reduction in collagen which is due to elastin breakdown in your skin. you may not be aware that sometimes little things you do in your routine can chalk up fine lines on your skin. read on to learn about some of the causes of premature aging.

Excessive intake of salt and sugar-rich foods

Eating too much of anything can be harmful to your skin and body. Similarly, excess sugar and salt in your diet can cause severe health issues from diabetes to high blood pressure. Sugar leads to insulin spikes that cause a breakdown of collagen, elastin, and protein fibers in your skin. while salt gives way to water retention and dehydration, thus speeding up the aging process. Your body may also get inflamed by these food ingredients and cause glycation weakening the collagen compounds in your skin. So to stop premature aging naturally, you must lower down the intake of salt and sugary foods. 

Not wearing glasses

Vision error be it near or far requires you to wear corrective glasses. This is because when you don’t, you squint your eyes as you try to focus, straining your eye muscles and causing them to get weary and form dark circles and fine lines. The same is true for sunglasses. If you do not protect your eyes from the sun's rays the skin around your eyes is likely to get hurt the fastest. Hence it is essential you shield them with protective sunglasses.

Too much screen time

It has become rather common to lie down and spend hours in front of the screen, be it the television, the computer, or your mobile phone. What many of you don’t know is the fact that this blue light from your screen contributes to skin aging. This is because the practice of scrolling through your screens while lying down causes creases and folds on your neck thus sagging your jaw area. 

No matter how tempting it is to get your screen time as you relax in bed, it is recommended you keep your gadgets at an eye level as you browse or type. Another one of the wrinkle prevention tips is trying to maintain a good posture by keeping your neck straight. If you are working and cannot avoid the screen you can take a few breaks to stretch a bit and readjust your posture. 

Sleeping on your stomach

Have you ever noticed how pillow lines are etched across your face as you wake up? As you sleep face down, the weight of your head is likely to press upon your skin. This not only smashes your face onto the pillow but also causes fine lines to form on your skin. 

With age, the collagen levels in your body decline, and those lines that once used to disappear on their own, tend to stick around. They also deepen upon repetition as your skin seems to get thinner and elasticity levels wear down. This concept is explained by the term ‘compression wrinkles’ that occur as a result of consistent pressure on the delicate skin. 

so, stomach sleepers as well as side sleepers may lose facial volume as they sleep in these positions. The best way to prevent sleep-induced wrinkles is to sleep on your back. But if you are used to lying on your stomach, it’s recommended you opt for a satin pillowcase to stop premature wrinkles, those are at least less abrasive than cotton ones. Cotton pillowcases cause friction as they absorb moisture which causes the soft skin on your face to drag against them. 

Sun exposure

Sun exposure is among the leading premature aging causes. Ultraviolet rays of the sun are very damaging to elastin and collagen fibers in your skin, affecting the elasticity and firmness levels. The solution lies in protecting your skin from the sun rays and this can be done with the simple practice of wearing sunscreen. 

Though it is reiterated many times, still many of you tend to ignore this. Application of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 is recommended every day whether you are indoors or outdoors, whether the sun is out or not. Similarly, you must wear protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, hats, and sunglasses to avoid direct contact with the sun during peak hours. 


There are several reasons besides vanity, that require you to quit smoking. However, we are glad to be adding another one to the list; smoking makes you look older before age. This is because as you smoke the blood flow gets restricted to your skin making it difficult for the skin cells to transfer oxygen and essential nutrients that are needed for regeneration. Moreover, the chemicals in cigarette smoke cause the collagen and elastic fibers to break down leading to the formation of premature lines. 

The Final Verdict

Wrinkles can not be avoided completely as they are a natural part of the aging process. However, you can take measures to slow down their appearance and visibility in your Skincare routine for aging prevention