Turmeric, a mainstay on your spice rack should also be incorporated in your skincare regime.

You may be consuming healthily in your daily meals at home, but did you know the powerful turmeric benefits for skin? Yes, the humble orange powder that is ubiquitously used in Pakistani cuisine, herbal and Chinese medicines has been extolled in its benefits. Beauty and skincare enthusiasts are also catching on and using this in their concoctions. This explains why brides are slathered with turmeric paste before their big day. 

What is turmeric

Scientifically known as Curcuma longa, turmeric is a spice derived from the turmeric plant. Common in all Pakistani households, it is used in curries for flavor, mixed in drinks to boost immunity, and blended in gram flour as a natural remedy to brighten skin. The curcumin compound in turmeric is what gives it its naturally anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

1. Skin inflammation

The active ingredient of curcumin renders turmeric suitable for suppressing specific stimuli in your immune system. Thus, making it best for dealing with inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. 

Turmeric, honey, and yogurt 

Yogurt contains probiotics which help restore the natural balance of bacteria responsible for skin inflammation. It also has soothing properties which help in pacifying the skin. Honey also possesses anti-bacterial properties like turmeric and hence is suitable for treating inflammation and breakouts. 

How to use

How to use turmeric for skin inflammation? All you need to do is take a tablespoon of turmeric and add a teaspoon of yogurt and honey to it. Mix well and apply on your skin. 

2. Healing wounds

Turmeric is a great wound healer. So, if you get a scratch you may apply turmeric on it. It will effectively decrease the oxidation that may take place and consequently lower the stress response. 

Coconut oil and turmeric 

Virgin coconut oil is great for treating wounds as it speeds up the healing process, improves the antioxidant status, and enhances the collagen levels which is important for curing wounds.  

How to use

Take a tablespoon of turmeric powder and add a teaspoon of coconut oil to it. Make a paste that is thick enough to cover the wound. Wrap a clean bandage on it and let it rest overnight. Continue this till the wound is completely healed. 

3. Reduce UV damage

As per studies, turmeric can decrease the damage caused by UV rays of the sun. This is largely because of its antioxidant properties which allow it to have a cooling effect on sunburns and heat rashes. 

Olive oil and turmeric powder 

Owing to the large amounts of vitamins and nutrients in olive oil, it is beneficial for reducing the peeling and bubbling of skin in case of sunburn. When combined with turmeric it serves as a great formula to reduce the damage caused by UV rays on your skin. 

How to use

You need equal amounts of turmeric powder and olive oil to form a perfect blend. Apply it on the affected areas regularly to observe noteworthy results. 

4. Anti-aging

Among the many turmeric benefits for skin is its anti-aging effect. Turmeric serves as an anti-aging agent as it quells the free radicals that facilitate the aging process. It does this by maintaining collagen levels that support skin elasticity and increasing moisture levels that reduce the probability of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Gram flour, milk, and turmeric

Gram flour has been used to reduce wrinkles on your skin and thus prevent premature aging. It effectively hydrates and moisturizes your skin. vitamin A in milk stimulates collagen formation which inhibits fine lines. It also gives way to new skin cells. 

How to use

Take a tablespoon of gram flour, a teaspoon of turmeric, and a tablespoon of milk. Mix it well so it forms a paste with a consistency thick enough to apply to your skin. let it rest for some time and wash it off with lukewarm water.  

5. Acne fighting

Acne is a common skin condition faced by many women and men alike. Turmeric possesses antibacterial characteristics that render it effective against acne-causing bacteria and thus minimize the risk of breakouts. Turmeric face mask for oily skin also regulates the production of sebum in your skin layers, upon regular use, giving way to a pore-less, less congested skin. 

Turmeric and rose water

Rose water offers adequate moisture to your skin. It regulates oil production, preventing the skin from getting greasy. It also effectively purifies pores to cleanse your skin off any dirt and grime that may cause acne. When combined with turmeric it serves as a great spot treatment for acne. 

How to use

Combine a teaspoon of turmeric with a few drops of rose water. Apply the mixture to your acne spots and let it dry. Wash afterward. 

6. Reduces dark circles

Turmeric helps in the reduction of dark circles and puffiness with its anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, giving you brighter, rejuvenated eyes. 

Aloe vera and turmeric

Aloe vera is a tropical plant that is often used to treat skin problems. It serves as a great hydrating agent to effectively remove dark circles in combination with turmeric powder. 

How to use

Extract fresh aloe vera gel from a plant. Mix the gel with a teaspoon of turmeric and apply this to your eyes. make sure it doesn’t get in your eyes as that may sting. Apply consistently for maximum results. 

7. Evens skin tone

It is rather common for your complexion to get uneven because of dark spots and blemishes that may form upon sun exposure. The curcumin compound in turmeric inhibits the formation of melanin, a pigment that is responsible for dark spots. This helps you achieve an even-toned complexion. 

Lemon, turmeric, and cream

Vitamin C in lemon is essential for collagen synthesis which is the building block of your skin. The citric acid in it has skin-lightening properties rendering it effective against dark spots and hyperpigmentation. The lactic acid in cream works wonders to remove dead skin cells acting as an exfoliant for an even complexion. Lemon and cream are used in combination with turmeric, thus helping to promote an even complexion. 

How to use

If you are wondering how to use turmeric for skin lightening? Just take a tablespoon of cream and a teaspoon of turmeric and lemon can be mixed in a bowl. Apply it on your skin and leave it to dry. Wash off with lukewarm water. 

The final verdict

Is turmeric good for skin? As you can see, turmeric offers great benefits for your skin. You can use it in your skincare regime for multiple purposes be it skin brightening, dark circles removal, wound healing, or acne healing. it is readily available in your pantry and very reasonable too. Try out the remedies we have listed above and let us know your experience.