Are you wondering how to achieve healthy skin? The solution lies in selecting a good skincare routine and avoiding common mistakes in skin care practices. As a skincare enthusiast, you know how important it is to implement and keep up a good skincare regime.

Your skin needs regular care to remain looking its best; otherwise, it could develop issues. A key aspect of a healthy skincare routine includes using products with ingredients tailored specifically to address any concerns and complement your skin type. Furthermore, being aware of common mistakes when caring for skin can prevent problems.

If you want to stay at the forefront of skincare, please read below and identify and avoid the common skincare mistakes you should avoid making in this regard.

Are You Making Any Of These Common Skin Care Mistakes?

Too often, people may not realize the extent of the skin care mistakes they're making with their everyday habits - which should stop immediately! Your skin will thank you and you will soon see results that prove otherwise.

1. Popping Your Pimples

As tempting as it may be, popping your pimples is no fun! Popping pimples could increase inflammation and leave an acne scar or turn into an infection, so it is advisable to visit a dermatologist instead for analysis of your skin situation. At Bodycraft Clinic and Salon we offer many skin care treatments designed to address acne. Our doctors will guide your journey as we provide effective acne solutions. Simply book an appointment or walk into our skin clinic today - for best results in pimple mark removal!

2. Not Patch Testing New Skincare

There's an easy and effective way to check if a new skin care product will react negatively with your skin - the spot test (also called patch testing). Simply apply some product on a less noticeable, small patch of skin for 12-24 hours or overnight and observe its reaction; if red or itchy marks appear after this time has elapsed then perhaps another facial therapy treatment would better meet your needs.

3. Forgetting SPF On Your Neck and Hands

One of the worst skincare mistakes is neglecting SPF products. You likely know about how exposure to sun rays can accelerate early signs of ageing; UVA rays from sunlight penetrate windows and can penetrate skin cells directly, leading to fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. 

Therefore it is advisable to use mineral-based sunscreen with at least SPF 30 protection in order to safeguard your skin against this threat; alternatively resurfacing treatment can provide extra protection.

4. Exfoliating Regularly

Even though exfoliation of your skin is important, overdoing it could lead to redness and irritation as dead cells are removed from its outer layers by exfoliation. Therefore it is advisable not to exfoliate more often than once or twice every week for best results.

5. Using The Same Moisturiser Throughout The Day

Another common skincare mistake is using the same moisturiser in both your daytime and nighttime skincare regimen. Your skin might feel dry in the morning but oily at night - or vice versa depending on where you reside and the climate conditions therein. 

Therefore, to meet all your skin's daily needs it would be wise to opt for daytime routine moisturisers containing ingredients like niacinamide or hyaluronic acid; for nighttime use consider something with ceramides, retinoids or vitamin C content.

6. Using Face Wipes To Remove Makeup

Who said there's only one way to remove makeup from your face? While face wipes may be convenient and readily available, they could cause teary and itchy skin irritations. Instead, a gentle cleanser such as this guide's suggestions could provide additional help with makeup removal.

7. Using The Right Ingredients At The Wrong Time

At no point should all skin care activities be applied simultaneously, as certain ingredients like retinol, AHAs and BHAs may make your skin sensitive to sunlight when exposed. To avoid making this common skincare error, speak to an aesthetician to understand which ingredients work for your specific skin type and divide up your skincare routine throughout the day in order to reach your skincare goals.

8. Not Caring For Things That Touch Your Skin

One of the easiest and most important ways to avoid skincare mistakes is by regularly caring for anything that touches your face, including phones, pillowcases, blankets etc. If answering calls by holding it close to your face then keeping its screen clean should be priority number one; similarly pillowcases should be washed regularly in order to eliminate dirt or oil deposits which will help your skin remain fresh and healthy.


If you're suffering from dull skin, one way to begin treating it may be avoiding common skincare mistakes regularly and opting for skin rejuvenation treatments from Pinksoul that address all aspects of it - acne scars and darkening; dullness.

Caring for your skin is key to keeping it looking its best and radiant. Our Glowtime Polisher Kit may be just what's needed!