Why Your Moisturiser Has Stopped Working and What Can You do About it!

Are you regularly lubricating your body in your skincare with those extra layers of moisturiser, yet still feel like your skin is dry? Well it's time you may want to consider other causes.
Dry skin is unavoidable in winters considering the extremely low temperature outdoors coupled with a combination of warm heaters inside. But this is not the sole reason for your skin to feel as rough as sandpaper.
For a fact, many of you tend to focus a lot on the weather, so much that it overshadows the actual reasons for your skin drying out. These may include compromised skin barrier or a drop of fatty acids in the daily diet.
Here we have sorted for you some basic moisture soakers and skincare tips that help dissolve dead skin cells to give you plain silky skin.
Hot showers
Especially in the winters, it's rather tempting to crank up your shower temperature. However, considering the basics of skincare, this guilty pleasure needs to be avoided as excessive heat from the water will only strip off the natural skin barrier.
The same goes for baths. It is advised that you add a few drops of oil in your tub to avoid your body from drying up. Moreover, you may only apply soap to the essential parts of your body like groyne and underarms and moisturise with a thick body lotion right after you step out.
Not enough moisture in the room
It is likely that the heating systems in the winter as well as the fan in clement temperatures can soak your skin off its adequate moisture levels. It is ancient skincare practice to place containers of water in front of your heaters in the winter and besides your window pane in the summers.
You can also invest in a humidifier. A humidifier releases dampness into your surroundings making sure to maintain nominal moisture. It is advised to keep a humidifier in your room so you can keep it on as you sleep.
You don’t consume fruit
They say, what you eat reflects in the form of good health as well as the condition of your skin. For example, vitamin C aids in collagen synthesis which is vital for hydrated, healthy and plump skin. This explains why many skincare products use vitamin C as an essential ingredient. what you consume also influences the mechanisms of skin ageing. So, it is suggested you eat vitamin C rich foods as much as you can to maintain youthful skin.
A heavy moisturiser
If you believe you can solve this skincare issue of excessive flaking and drying by smearing thick layers of moisturiser, you are wrong. In fact, thick moisturisers can obstruct the normal function of your self-hydration.
It is in fact something we fail to understand that its self regulation which gives you a youthful look. When you apply thick lotions, your skin tends to get dependent on them and cannot normalise itself. hence it is imperative that your skin self regulates.
Wrong application of hyaluronic acid
A single gram of hyaluronic acid holds around six litres of water which renders it the best skin hydrators. However there stands one caveat, and that is the need for adequate moisture in your surroundings which it can hold onto.
So, girls, if you are applying this skincare product onto dry skin in an environment where the heating is at the highest and the humidity levels are drastically low, you may actually dry out your skin even more. Hyaluronic acid draws in moisture from wherever it may be onto your skin surface to the deeper layers.
You can also apply the sandwich technique in your skincare regime to lock in moisture. This is done by spraying hyaluronic acid mist on your face and following up with some moisturiser. This will trap the needed moisture in your skin.
Insufficient intake of water
It is essential to manage your water intake for healthy skin. You need to consume 8 ounces of water everyday. Water means water and not juice, tea, alcohol and coffee that will leave your body dehydrated.
No application of SPF
You need to apply SPF all year round on your skin to make sure it is protected from the harmful radiation of the sun. UV rays have a dehydrating impact on your skin as they soak in all the moisture. This calls for applying a layer of SPF before the application of other skincare products.
So, girls if the flakiness on your skin has become a source of embarrassment, you just need to follow these simple skincare tips in your routine.