Are you worried about dark underarms? Our private parts such as our underarms and the bikini line can be a target of hyperpigmentation because the skin on these parts is just as sensitive as our eyelids. The only way to get rid of them is to use a cream to remove black underarms.

By using our cream especially made to whiten underarms, Body Bloom, in a proper way, you can get an even skin tone on your bikini line and underarms.


  • Dark Underarms
  • Underarm Creams
  • Best way to use Underarm Creams
  • Body Bloom

You are having a good day, glowing beautifully with confidence because of the organic skin care products of Pinksoul. but suddenly, you realize your underarms might be showing, and they are DARK!

That sudden urge to just hide yourself from the fear of showing your flaws, we know it very well. Dark and pigmented underarms are a nightmare no matter the season or time of the year. But what causes the underarms to go dark?

There are a lot of reasons for this discoloration including but not limited to excess melanin, hormonal imbalance, infections, or even the medications you may take. Underarms are very sensitive although they give a rougher look. Any slightest irritation can cause your underarm skin to turn dark.

Let’s learn more about the causes of dark underarms.

Causes of Dark Underarms

Excessive Melanin Production

Sometimes your dark underarms are just because of your overall complexion being dusky. If your skin has a melanin count higher than normal, your body will have a darker shade and it will reflect on your underarm skin as well.

Hair Plucking

One of the reasons for dark underarms is hair plucking, which can be quite harmful to the skin. This action can lead to inflammation in the skin, which causes post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Shaving Underarms

Shaving with razor blades can harm your skin and cause irritation, razor burns, and cuts that can leave scars and translate to hyperpigmentation.


Some people use their scrubs and loofahs on their underarms and although it may make sense to you, it only causes stress to your underarm skin. Just like we discussed before, underarm skin is much more sensitive than it seems.

Scrubbing can damage the outer layer of your underarm skin and with your routine limb movement, the natural friction can lead to darkening of your underarms.

Sweat And Dirt

Your daily routine may make you sweat more than others, and sometimes you are sweating from your underarms even if you don’t feel it. This can be a cause of accumulation of dead skin cells and dirt on your underarms, causing your underarms to gain pigmentation after some time.

Underarm Creams

No matter the reason for your darkened underarms, they have to go. Lucky for you, we have the most effective underarm whitening cream that you can use to reduce pigmentation and even out the skin tone with the rest of the skin.

But having the right underarm cream is not the only solution. You have to treat your underarm skin with care, even while applying the underarm whitening cream. Let’s learn about the most effective way to use any underarm whitening cream.

How To Use Underarm Whitening Cream

Cleanse your underarms

Your underarms may have collected dead skin cells and impurities, and they may be the source of your underarm problems. The best way to apply an underarm cream is to first mildly cleanse the area. This will help improve its effectiveness in whitening your underarms.

Apply the cream

After cleansing, you can apply the underarm cream on both underarms. Make sure to cover the entire underarms where there is discoloration or hyperpigmentation.


Then comes the cream massaging on your underarms so it gets absorbed properly in the skin. Massage it for around 2 to 3 minutes to get the maximum effect.

Let it work

You need to leave it on the skin for at least 10 minutes before you have to wash the cream off with mildly warm water. That will leave your skin with improved tone and pigmentation on the underarms. 

But wait, it's not over yet. You have to repeat this process twice a day for a few weeks before the effects begin to show.

To accelerate the process of whitening, you need to do a few extra steps such as:


After applying the cream and washing it off, you need to make sure your underarms are fully moisturized. The best way to keep the skin hydrated is using moisturizer so that it doesn’t get irritated. Any irritation can undo all the work you did on yourself.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals can be found in soaps and scrubs quite easily. While applying underarm creams, you need to make sure you don’t use any product with harsh chemicals as they can revert back any progress you may have achieved.

Now we can move on to our very special clean and dry cream for underarms, Body Bloom!

Body Bloom

Finally, we are here we you need the perfect solution for your dark underarms. Our Body Bloom underarm cream has all the rich goodness of Papaya, Citrus, White Mulberry, Organic Wax, and Essential Oils.

This underarm cream evens out your underarms in just 7 days with its miracle formula. It reduces hyperpigmentation and darkened skin on the underarms and bikini area, giving you a fresh new look. It also works as a deodorant with its amazing ingredients, giving you a natural body fragrance and reducing body odour.

What’s more, it saves your skin from any damage by keeping your underarms moisturized. Enjoy yourself and forget about your underarms with our Body Bloom.


Dark underarms are a big problem but underarm creams can do wonders to whiten them and even them out with your skin tone. To get the maximum out of them, you need to apply it after cleansing the site, and after their application, you need to let them rest, wash it off, and then moisturize the area.

Body Bloom is an amazing body cream to whiten your dark underarms and bikini line, moisturize it, and keep it odour free with its deodorant effects. Try it out once and you will love it forever!