We all face the dilemma of having to choose between organic and non organic body care products. There are millions of body care products in Pakistan from thousands of brands. But why should you buy organic body care products? We will discuss 5 reasons why they are better than synthetic products.

Organic body Care

Our skin is our most vital organ because it is the largest and is exposed all the time. Our skin has a high absorption rate such that 60% of what you are applying during your skin care routine gets absorbed into your skin.  Once absorbed in your skin it can seep into your bloodstream and then become a contaminant in your body.

But you don’t know what you are applying on your skin which is why when people find out about the toxins found in the synthetic products, they quickly switch to the organic products.  You can see that many organic body care products online state the ingredients found in them for the same purpose.

If you want to know why we urge you to use organic skin care products, read on!

Reasons To Use body Care Products

1. Harmful Ingredients in Synthetic Products

Synthetic body care products are quite impactful when it comes to improving your skin and achieving the results faster. The only problem is that the same chemicals that help with your acne breakouts can cause blemishes or skin dehydration. This is very common in synthetic skin care products and they advise the use of multiple products together to avoid the side effects.

To understand the problem here, you can take any synthetic product, even the ones that may use organic ingredients, and check the back of their pack. The ingredients table will sound to you as if you were back in the chemistry class. And you are not alone if you can’t even begin to pronounce those chemicals.

Many of the ingredients of synthetic products can be toxic to your skin and body. Some of these chemicals can get absorbed into your bloodstream and cause hormonal imbalances. Many mineral constituent chemicals such as parabens, petroleum products can cause skin problems such as skin irritation or even cancer!

With harmful chemicals comes a chance to encounter poisonous elements that can prove to be carcinogenic such as arsenic!

2. The Goodness of Natural Ingredients

On the flip side, you have this whole range of organic skin care brands and their products that are formulated from the organic ingredients found in nature. Reading the ingredients list of an organic product will be far more understandable as most of the time, they are prepared using common fruits, vegetables, plants, herbs, or natural ingredients such as beeswax.

Brands such as Pinksoul are able to synthesize the best organic body care products in Pakistan because they are careful about the ingredients they use. Such brands are keen to know the source of their ingredients to make sure that the organic ingredients are free from harmful chemicals. 

Some suspected chemicals found in organic ingredients include pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, GMOs, etc.

By using products free from such chemicals, you can be worry-free and let your body absorb the goodness of nature’s best.

3. Non-Allergenic

Many synthetic products contain ingredients that can be quite problematic for some people and cause allergies in them. Now we don’t want that but circling back to our first point, there is a slim chance that you understand which chemical is responsible for the allergies.

Organic products are much more transparent in this regard. You can look at the ingredients label before buying a product or look through the ingredients list online and check if there is any ingredient that can cause you allergies.

And most of the time, we try our best to not include such ingredients at all so you can use them without any side effects. But even if there is a product that contains peanuts or anything else you are allergic to, you can simply skip it and find a better suited one.

4. Effective Working

Organic skin care products are often seen from a doubtful point of view. People think that because we make affordable body care products in Pakistan, they will not be as effective. This is totally a myth because our organic skin care products contain 95% active ingredients. This means that with the regular use of organic products, you can see the improvements in just a few days!

This is because the ingredients are carefully grown and selected so they have higher amounts of anti-oxidants, vitamins, and other useful substances. On the other hand, there is very rarely an active ingredient in synthetic products. Usually they are activated because of some other item such as water molecules or skin cells. 

5. Dangerous Prolonged Use of Synthetic Products

Yes, you read it right. With prolonged use of synthetic products, there can be huge problems on the skin. Synthetic products need to be taken off after using them for a while. Whether it is a moisturizer, sunscreen, or balm, you need to remove it manually just like makeup.

This is because, just like makeup, prolonged use of the products can cause microbial infections. When the products stop working, they become a playground for bacteria and can cause skin problems instead.

Organic products have the ability to just get absorbed in the skin. And if they don’t get absorbed, you can just wash them off with water.


And that’s all, folks. These are the major differences between organic and synthetic skin care products. To recap, organic body care products use organic ingredients that are superior to the synthetic chemicals used in synthetic products. They are gentle on the skin, very effective, can go a long time without causing any skin issues, contain active ingredients and you can avoid ingredients you are allergic to by switching to a product that does not contain your allergens.