Just when we thought we couldn’t be more thankful to the world of Japanese and Korean beauty for introducing such amazing concepts, another addition emerged to the list. Whitening rice serum is the new skincare salvation which is as effectual as it is accessible.

Though the sudden incursion of rice water skincare products may seem like K-beauty's newest export, it is in fact the oldest trick in the skincare bible. Pakistanis have been consuming rice water for hydration to deal with incapacitating health disorders because of its starch content. In the meantime, Korean and Japanese women have been incorporating this in their skincare for its mineral content. 

The availability of rice adds to its popularity as it’s a staple in the diet of most Asians. Besides, its economical price adds up to its accessibility rendering it ideal for your skincare regime. With the revival in the skincare world, there’s a wave of revitalized skincare heroes at play with whitening rice serum being one of them.

The flawless skin of Korean women has attracted a lot of attention and the use of rice water skin care products has now triggered an interest all over the world with all sorts of brands embracing it. 

What are the Benefits of Rice Serum?

The Fountain of Youth

One of the benefits of rice serum is its ability to combat the aging process. Antioxidants, amino acids, and ferulic acid in rice water assist in stopping the aging process in your skin. It does this by stopping elastase, the skin aging enzyme from working. Therefore, rice serum retains suppleness in your skin and helps in minimizing fine lines, wrinkles, and other age-related issues. 

Lighten and Brighten

Are you struggling with issues like dullness, pimples, and uneven skin tone? It's time you get your hands on the best rice skin care products. The application of rice serum facilitates collagen synthesis giving way to a supple and glowing complexion. 

Moreover, the inositol compound helps to fade scars formed on your skin post-acne, pigmentation, and blemishes. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you use a whitening rice serum for a radiant complexion.

Sunburn No More

Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, rice water acts as a healer on burnt skin. It is curative for minor signs of sunburn-like swelling, redness, and itching. Along with being a moisturizer, starchy rice water also serves as a tightening and toning agent. 

Bye Bye Oily Skin

Rice water skincare products aid in oil regulation in your skin rendering it a viable option for those with oily skin. It also aids in the reduction of the appearance of enlarged pores on your skin, preventing acne breakouts. 

Repair Your Barrier for Strong Skin

The protein content in rice serum helps strengthen your skin's natural barrier. This shields it from environmental stressors plummeting the probability of moisture loss. Thus, giving way to healthier glowing skin. 

How to Prepare Rice Serum for Your Skin at Home?

Soaking Magic

Take one glass of rice and soak it in 2-3 cups of water. Let it be for half an hour. Strain the water that’s left behind and refrigerate. You can keep this in the fridge for a week at a maximum. Before you apply this rice, water mix in some glycerin and a few strands of saffron to attain the maximum benefits of rice serum prepared at home. make another batch when this is finished. 

Fermented Beauty

This can prove a substantial asset if you’re fraught with pimples and patchy skin tone. The rice skin beauty essence in its fermented form will aid in collagen synthesis fading all your blemishes and spots, giving you a supple and radiant complexion. 

For this process, you can select any rice of your choice. Rinse it with plain water then fill a bowl with 500 ml water. Keep the rice soaked in water for two days allowing for fermentation. When two days have passed, stir the water and filter it. Transfer this liquid to a glass container and refrigerate. When you have to use this mix in some fresh aloe vera gel and then apply it on your skin. 

Boiled to Purify

Boiling aids in killing all the damaging constituents in the rice thereby making it pure and unstained for facial use. 

all you have to do is cook a cup of rice and once it's done just press it with a spoon to release all the chemicals. Sieve out the rice as you would usually do and store the water left behind in a glass container. Refrigerate this water for up to a week and dilute it with some jojoba oil and vitamin E capsules before you apply it to your skin.  

The Final Verdict

It goes without saying that rice serum along with other rice water skincare products offer various benefits for your skin. You can purchase rice-infused products as well as prepare them in the comfort of your home to lighten your skin texture. So, what are you waiting for? Quickly get your hands on the best rice skincare products now!