Most of us are aware that wrinkles can form with age, certain genes and prolonged sun exposure. But are you surprised to learn that even everyday habits could contribute to wrinkled skin? And how you could remove fine lines naturally? With just some changes to lifestyle choices, you could potentially avoid getting fine lines in the future! Prepare to be shocked by these 11 odd habits which contribute to making wrinkles worse!

Your skin ages with you, but some daily habits could be making things worse. By making changes now that will help preserve its health and keep it youthful for longer. This is great news.

As we age, our skin loses elastic fibres and its ability to produce collagen, leading to decreased flexibility over time and making skin appear loose or leather-like in appearance. Wrinkles often result from this decline of elastic fibres. 

How To Lift Your Face Skin Naturally?

At some point in our lives, we may all have done things which have been detrimental to the skin. If this applies to you, perhaps now would be an appropriate time to change any harmful practices that have developed.

Sleeping On Your Face

Sleep is essential, but how you sleep can have detrimental effects. Sleep lines appear when lying with your face on a pillow at night - these appear more frequently as we age; younger individuals might not notice these lines so easily, but according to the American Academy of Dermatology they will eventually turn into wrinkles that won't go away without treatment from Botox or similar products.

Answer: Rather than sleeping on your side, try sleeping on your back instead. If this doesn't help, using tape on your face to stop lines from appearing is another solution to maintain smooth skin and prevent future wrinkles from showing up. Fillers may help disguise existing sleep lines while Botox cannot.

Chewing Gum

Plastic doctors have noted that those who chew gum frequently develop wrinkles around their mouths over time from eating, which causes more lines to form around their lips than is necessary. Furthermore, chewing gum after receiving fillers may reduce their effectiveness by dispersing the fillers more rapidly - increasing your lines more rapidly as a result.

Good news: chewing gum should not lead to wrinkles unless it becomes part of your daily routine. Chewing has been shown to relieve stress and increase focus; so long as you only chew occasionally, you should be fine. For now, if you recently got fillers, avoid gum pain as this could make any lines on your face worse; Botox could make them much less visible.

Taking Anti-Depressants

Unfortunately, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) discovered a correlation between antidepressant medications and looking older. After studying 186 sets of identical twins who took antidepressants and those who didn't, ASPS noted that those taking antidepressants tended to have more wrinkles - though the reason is still unclear; ASPS speculates that relaxing facial muscles caused by antidepressants may cause sagging that causes wrinkles over time.

Given wrinkles, we do not advise discontinuing antidepressant medication if your doctor has recommended them and they are helping. Instead, different forms of filler could make these lines less visible.

Drinking From Water Bottles

Everything that lives depends on water, but water bottles present their own set of challenges. According to experts, repeatedly drinking from a bottle can produce deep lines around your mouth similar to when chewing gum, leading to deep lines being formed from drinking the liquid every day which isn't quite as satisfying or fun to do as chewing on something fun like gum! Unfortunately, we all must drink water on a daily basis just as effectively.

Answer: While traditional water bottles may be convenient, you should opt for bottles with wider mouths instead to help avoid getting lines on your skin from drinking from them. Botox and filler treatments may help make wrinkles from water bottles less visible if already present.

Not Removing Your Makeup

Just five minutes can make all the difference after an exhausting day! According to experts quoted by Huffington Post, sleeping with makeup exposes skin cells to free radicals not usually present; these free radicals break down collagen fibers which leads to fine lines.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to remove your makeup before bed, which will help avoid wrinkles while being much better for overall health. This step will prevent further premature wrinkles from developing on the face as well as improving its general condition.

Eating Sugary Food

Sugary foods are generally harmful to our health. But what you may not realize is that eating too much of it also leads to wrinkles. Collagen and elastin, two proteins responsible for making skin look youthful, become weaker when exposed to sugar; consequently causing lines and other signs of ageing to appear on our faces.

Answer: Educate yourself on what's in your food and try not to consume too much sugar. Instead, choose foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that will help your skin remain youthful for as long as possible.

Sun Exposure

No doubt about it - UV light creates wrinkles. Sun damage accumulates slowly over time, including from tanning beds. No base tan exists either and too much tanning and sunburn exposure increases cancer risks significantly. Too much tanning and sunburns accelerates skin aging processes while creating deeper wrinkles. Not protecting against UVA/UVB radiation also speeds the aging process and increases skin cancer risks significantly.

To treat it, avoid prolonged sun exposure, always apply broad spectrum sunscreen, wear clothing that offers protection from UV rays (such as hats and clothing with UPF50+ ratings) when outdoors and limit time spent in direct sunlight, particularly between 10am-3pm when UV levels are at their peak.


Smoking can accelerate facial ageing and worsen smoker's lines around your mouth area. Although damage from sun exposure is also responsible, smoking hastens this process and speeds it up further.

Treatment: Joining a program designed to assist smokers in quitting may help.

Repetitive Movements

Frequent movements that tighten muscles can result in wrinkles on the face, often misinterpreted as signs of happiness by many people. Crinkles across the forehead and between brows caused by raising eyebrows while talking, Crow's feet around mouth corners and side eyes and bunny lines across nose are just some of the common facial manifestations associated with regular muscle tightening and resultant wrinkles on face.

Treatment: If wrinkles bother you, avoid repeating certain actions over and over. Botox may provide assistance here but cannot remove already present wrinkles.

Diet And Exercise

Lack of physical activity and poor eating habits can hasten the process of ageing and damage to skin. Consuming processed and high-fat foods may alter its appearance and tone as well as potentially leading to acne breakouts. By failing to exercise regularly, exercise can bring oxygen directly to your face while increasing collagen production and stimulating new cell production - all crucial benefits that could improve its overall appearance and condition.

Treatment: Focus on overall health and well-being by eating a nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, exercising daily, managing stress better and improving mental wellbeing.

Skincare Routine

Elderly skin can be dry, sensitive and more likely to get injured than younger skin. By providing daily care for your face in the same manner, you can ensure it keeps its healthy glow.

To treat it, wash and moisturise your face twice each day; always use sunscreen even in winter; reapply every two to three hours when exposed to direct sunlight; consider also applying retinoid to maintain skin tone.


The best treatment for static wrinkles is to avoid these things! You can get a face massage to get rid of wrinkles as well.

At some point in life, wrinkles become inevitable; however, there are certain actions we can take to delay their appearance. By making healthier choices and avoiding these eleven things which cause wrinkles, your face can continue to remain youthful for many years to come.