Collagen is the new buzzword in the skincare world. But what on earth is it and why is everyone so obsessed with it lately?

Now and then a new product pops up promising to make you feel young and beautiful. As of late, collagen is touted as one of those magical solutions that transform your skin giving you the much-desired glow. So, what is collagen? What does collagen do? Does it live up to the hype it's given? Here’s everything you need to know about this naturally occurring protein. 

What is collagen?

The richest protein in mammals and the connective tissue compound, collagen makes up your bones, teeth, skin, and muscles. It is the scaffolding that forms your skin, giving your skin the elasticity and strength towards a youthful glow. You can find collagen in various products such as serums, injections, moisturizers, and even oral supplements. 

Why is it so popular?

Collagen has gained the status of an ingestible beauty supplement with its ability to give strong nails, long hair, and glowing skin. though you must know collagen products are not FDA-approved like many other dietary supplements. According to studies, collagen offers a lot of advantages for your skin and body. 

The consumption of purely organic and clean animal-based protein regularly in your diet will get you plenty of collagen. But if you are a vegetarian then you may not be getting adequate amounts of protein which you may have to fill with collagen drinks. You can start by taking 20 grams of collagen per day and continue daily for maximum results.  However, you must be careful and examine the labels of the products you take. 

How do you boost collagen in your skin?

Worship the altar of SPF

It comes as no surprise that UV exposure affects the collagen levels in your skin to a great extent. If you protect your skin smartly from UV rays by wearing sunscreen, be it sunny or cloudy, it’s the best thing you can do to avert the collagen slowdown in your skin. so, don't forget to layer your skin with sunscreen in the morning. 

Prescription-grade retinol

As much as it is important to nail the art of preservation, it's essential you also pump up the collagen stores. The easy route is to opt for a retinoid. This is because the high levels of vitamin A in it boost collagen synthesis as well as hyaluronic acid production. Acting like a hormone vitamin A passes messages to the fibroblasts in the dermis of your skin to produce collagen. 

If you are wondering how much collagen per day for skin, through retinoids, you need to take? It is imperative you apply retinol products every night before you go to bed and continue to do so for at least six weeks for visible results. However, if retinoids do not suit your skin, then you may have to go with vitamin C which also encourages collagen production. 

In-office treatments

Wondering how to restore collagen in the face fast? For this, you may opt for clinical procedures. There are many collagen induction therapies to choose from like micro-needling, laser, radio frequency, and ultrasound skin tightening. Ablative lasers prompt collagen production by burning tiny holes in your skin that require healing. injectables also play a role with fillers called Sculptra focused on stimulating collagen production. These do not only create an instant plumped-up effect but also encourage your skin to produce more collagen on its own. 

The role of diet

Bone broth is the best form of collagen in your diet, given you consume it every single day. This is because the collagen-rich bones in the broth break down into amino acids in your gut which are used as building blocks to produce more collagen. 

Among the best sources of these amino acids are egg whites, cheese, and meat. A vegetarian option would be cabbage. Vitamin C in strawberries, oranges, peppers, and broccoli, vitamin A in the liver, carrots, egg yolk, and sweet potatoes as well as copper from red meat, nuts, and shellfish are much recommended as they facilitate collagen role in skin. Having a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein is important, particularly vitamin C-rich foods. 

Regular exercise

Exercise has a positive impact on the collagen levels in your body. You can choose any form, be it a jog in the park, Zumba, or Pilates. This is because as you exercise oxygen, blood along with nutrients are supplied to the surface of your skin to make it healthy. collagen production is thus stimulated with this increased blood circulation resulting in firmer more elastic skin. 

Avoid sugar consumption

Excessive consumption of sugar in your diet can result in glycation. What happens is that the sugar molecules are attached to the collagen fibers in your bloodstream which facilitates collagen breakdown by rendering it weak and brittle. Thus, reducing your skin elasticity levels and giving way to premature aging. 

Collagen supplements

28 different types of collagen have been identified with type one being most commonly found in your body. This one is extracted from porcine, marine, and bovine sources. Upon regular consumption, a collagen supplement offers several types of collagen protein. You can either go with powder, gel, drink, or table form.  

The average amount required by your body is 10 grams. Many collagen supplements for skin found in the market do not provide the adequate amount that is needed to slow down its breakdown in the body. Hence it is suggested you buy the hydrolyzed form of collagen since it can be absorbed more effectively by your digestive system to produce the needed impact. 

Collagen supplements for skin are available in the market mostly in pharmacies. It comes in powdered form more commonly. If you are getting powdered collagen, you must store it in a cool dry place. There are collagen-spiked protein bars available as well. Nevertheless, if you happen to be old school you can prepare bone broth and consume that every day. 

The final verdict

So, for those of you lamenting the decreased suppleness of your skin, collagen is worth a try. It comes in the form of topical products as well as supplements that can be consumed. You can also inject collagen for skin whitening into your bloodstream with laser treatments, micro-needling, etc. It is essential that you realize collagen benefits for skin and how important it is to incorporate it in your skincare. the sooner you do the better results you will get.