Hair shedding is very natural and something that we all experience at a certain point in time. It is very normal for those with a longer length to lose about 80 to 100 strands every day. But what happens when you are losing a lot of hair in your comb???

What does excessive hair shedding mean?

Excessive hair shedding means you are now beginning to notice significant hair loss than usual. This is basically a sign of an underlying trigger that impacts the development of your hair growth cycle suggesting there is an internal imbalance. Thus, prematurely activating the shedding phase known as telogen effluvium.

The different stages of the hair cycle

The average life cycle of hair starts with a growth phase known as ‘anagen’. This is followed by catagen, the transition phase, and then the rest phase called ‘telogen’. All these three phases rotate around the growth and maturation of your hair. 

The exogen stage which is the final phase, is all about active shedding of hair as new strands make their way. This lasts the longest between three to seven years depending from individual to individual, while the others only last a couple of months in comparison. 

What are some causes of hair loss?

There are many possible causes of hair loss, but a drop in iron levels in your body is particularly common, especially in women who do not consume meat. Though your diet has a great part to play in hair loss, the biggest cause is stress. Since it takes between three to four months for your hair to be impacted, you can not connect the two. 

Apart from stress, hair loss is quite common in women who have recently given birth. Though quite distressing, it is a natural part of the postpartum experience despite using the best shampoo for hair growth

Keeping in view all the facts associated with hair loss, it might be comforting to know there are ways you can slow down the shedding process, stimulate hair regrowth, and revive your hair with some tips and tricks. 

Our favorite pick is the Wonder Gold Shampoo by Pinksoul. It is the best organic shampoo in Pakistan readily available on the market and on Formulated with all organic ingredients, it effectively increases hair growth, removes dandruff, and stops hair fall

DIY organic shampoo formulas

Shikakai Cleansing Shampoo 


Marshmallow roots, fenugreek seeds, shikakai, water and soap nuts.

Marshmallow roots induce the proliferation of follicle-derived human stem cells, rendering it suitable for promoting hair growth. Being a rich source of protein and amino acids, fenugreek seeds boost and repair the cuticle integration in the hair shaft, facilitating the growth of your hair. 

Shikakai is packed with antioxidants and vitamins A, C, D, and E that encourage strong and healthy hair follicles. The nutrients in soap nuts strengthen your hair roots to help them grow long and vitamin A produces considerable amounts of sebum to keep your hair nourished. 

How to use

To prepare the best shampoo for hair growth, take a teaspoon of marshmallow roots, fenugreek seeds, 15 grams of shikakai, and 10 grams of soap nuts. Put them in a pan adding 2 and a half cups of water to the mixture. Bring it to a boil for 15-20 minutes. Cool it down and store in a container. 

Green Tea and Castile


Honey, olive oil, green tea, castile soap, lime juice, peppermint and lavender essential oils. 

Honey possesses the ability to promote cellular growth. The epithelial skin cells make up the hair ducts and hair follicles of your scalp that are key to hair growth. 

Olive oil strengthens your hair follicles and conditions your hair from deep within. The polyphenol content disinfects your scalp and nourishes it to encourage hair growth while castile soap with its high pH caters to all dandruff issues, preserving the hair's natural oils and helping hair growth rate. So, if you are thinking which shampoo is good for hair fall and dandruff, this organic mix is perfect for you. 

The menthol in peppermint coupled with lavender increases blood flow to your scalp. It stimulates your blood vessels and encourages regrowth and follicle depth giving way to thick strands. 

How to use

Firstly, you need to brew some green tea leaves, setting aside half a cup for your shampoo. You can then mix the other ingredients in a container tablespoon of honey, ¼ cup of castile soap, 1 teaspoon of lime juice, and 5 drops of peppermint and lavender essential oil each. 

Carrot and maple


Carrot seeds essential oil, castor oil, and castile soap.

The vitamin A, phosphorus, and potassium content in carrot seed oil strengthen your hair and prevent breakage while castor oil boosts hair growth to 5 times its normal rate. 

How to use

Take equal proportions of carrot seed essential oil and castor oil, say 15 drops each. Add half a cup of the liquid castile soap to it. Mix well and massage on wet scalp.  

The Final Verdict

So for those who have been wondering, does shampoo help with hair loss? Yes, it clearly does a great deal! If you are distressed with hair fall, don’t be anymore! You can buy the best shampoo for hair growth from Pinksoul. Pk. or prepare your very own shampoos with the ingredients shared above.