Do you wake up every day to find stray strands of hair on your pillow followed by finding a dark clump in the drain, only to know you have lost more hair?

Hair loss seems to be a common concern among women. The amount of hair loss varies from person to person and the causes of hair fall depend on their routine and genes. In case you experience excessive hair fall to the point the hair thinning becomes visible, it is best you start taking measures to control it. 

Despite the cause of hair loss, the main objective is to encourage the hair follicles to function to their maximum capacity. It is best if you are realistic with your goals. Of course, each one of you wants their hair to transform into Amisha Patel's long locks from the 2000s. but alas, that’s not possible in every case. 

Before you begin treating your hair it is best you consult an expert to ensure the path you have chosen is the right one. Here are a few tips to prevent hair loss in women. Read on to learn more. 


Supplements are a great way to avoid hair fall. We suggest you go for supplements containing a combination of vitamins and botanical ingredients to strengthen your hair follicles. 

Biotin is concentrated with botanicals to support hair growth in the different phases of the growth cycle. They are custom-made for each age group and packed with minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, and plant extracts to boost the roots of your hair with nutrients and target thinning hair concerns. They are clinically proven to prevent hair loss in women and are a healthy way to deal with thinning hair. 

In-office treatments

PRP treatment known as the platelet-rich plasma procedure is highly recommended by dermatologists. It is one of the most effective tricks to reduce hair fall by experts. This involves drawing blood from the patient's enriched cells and injecting them into their scalp. The plasma is protein-rich to encourage the natural growth of hair. This method is very effective as it does not necessitate any downtime and comes with no side effects. You can repeat the procedure every month and when you reach the desired hair growth, you can give a gap of 6-12 months to maintain the results. 

At-home laser

Another Best Hair Loss Treatment is the at-home laser. Capillus hair regrowth laser cap is a treatment for androgenetic alopecia. This FDA-approved cap makes use of 100% medical-grade laser diodes to encourage and reinvigorate cells within your hair follicles for thick and healthy hair. You have to wear it for six minutes to facilitate blood circulation towards your scalp. 

There are red light-emitting hair combs as well but the caps are better as people are more compliant towards them. Both methods make use of red-light energy to facilitate hair growth but it is only effective if worn daily and there is no slacking. 

Over the counter

Wondering how to stop hair fall without any in-office treatments? Over-the-counter medications such as minoxidil are great for hair growth. This is directly applied to your scalp so the blood vessels can dilate to enhance circulation towards your scalp. 

The active hair growth phase of your hair follicles is extended by this magical medication. It comes in different formulations for men and women and comes with a foam for easy application. 

Prescription pill

Finasteride is a prescription pill that is suggested for use to treat baldness experienced by both males and females. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to block the conversion of testosterone to an active form known as DHT. 

The reason has not yet been identified but high DHT levels are associated with symptoms of hair loss in both men and women. However, for women who are pregnant, it is advised to avoid the use of this medicine. 

Hair products

Often overlooked by many, the wise choice of hair products is very important. Turn to brands that have products formulated with collagen, biotin, keratin, and other natural actives to make hair grow fuller and healthier. You can also invest in hair volumizing masks and protein sprays. 

Minimise stress

You tend to undergo stress in many ways. Some of these include a lack of sleep, a weary day at work, a poor diet, and an unhealthy environment. Stress does not only cause excessive hair falls but also stops your hair growth. 

It may also result in an autoimmune response where the immune system of your body attacks the hair follicles giving way to hair loss. These hormones that are released in your body due to stress disrupt your hair growth. owing to this disruption, your hair goes into a longer rest period which disturbs growth.

How you manage your stress levels is different for everyone. You may want to begin by getting adequate rest, eating healthy, keeping hydrated, exercising, and avoiding the use of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and drugs. 

Excessive hair wash

You can not necessarily stop stress altogether but you can surely control your bad habits to stifle your stress levels. In this regard, you must understand that there are many things in your routine that could be contributing to hair fall. 

For instance, not using enough shampoo to shampoo every single day may result in hair thinning. Excessive washing of your hair may cause knots during the process that may be hard to untangle and thus lead to hair loss. If you have dry hair, your hair may get drier and frizzier because of constant shampooing. 

Head massage

Regular massage on your scalp facilitates blood circulation which in turn encourages hair growth. It also reduces the stress levels in your body which might be responsible for hair loss. You can use warm oil like coconut oil, olive oil, or amla oil for massage. Make sure the oil is warm since it seals the hair cuticles and strengthens the roots. 

The final verdict

From using subscription pills, supplements, and over-the-counter medication to laser treatments, these methods are very effective against hair loss. Managing stress is also very important and so is avoiding excessive hair washing to give way to healthy hair growth. With all these hair care routine and tips, you can surely bid goodbye to your hair fall concerns.